I woke up and was not looking forward to weighing in at all. But I garnered enough courage to get on the scale and find out the results!
I mentioned that I was going to do two hours a day this week on the treadmill but I gave myself a break on Friday and Saturday.
I got on the scale, got off the scale, got back on three times to make sure! I logged in my weight and this was the message I got:
WAY TO GO! You've just lost another 5 pounds. Keep up the awesome work! We hope you have a great week.
That's right baby I lost 3.8 pounds this week! That combined with the last two weeks leaves me with another star!
Dazzling! You couldn't have slapped the smile off my face! It all seems obtainable to me. I have a long way to go but I'm doing excellent progress!
There was talk on the MUA this week about weight loss. I've had weight issues all my life. Growing up my sister was the thin one and I was Chunky McChunkerson. I was put in a weight loss program similar to Weight Watchers but for kids that was run through one of the hospitals.
I know what it's like to be a fat kid, fat teen, fat adult - this has been my reality but I don't want it to be my legacy!
I have been on some sort of diet all my life and I've had issues with Bulemia in the past.
Two years ago I lost so much weight due to my undiagnosed Graves Disease. I had no energy - I couldn't even make a fist! A great majority of my hair had fallen out and my heart was beating out of my chest but I didn't care because for the first time in my life I had lost weight!
I didn't want that taken away from me so I avoided going to the doctor. It wasn't until I felt that I was dying that I mentioned anything to my family - I mean this had gone on for months and months. I also didn't want to hear the possibility that I was diabetic as I have a grave fear of blood. But the night before going to the Doctor I told myself that I was going to have to face the truth - no matter what.
I went to the Doctors office and then was rushed to the hospital where I had to stay for almost a week where they ran test after test on me. Nobody could understand why I had waited so long to mention anything. Before they could even put me on sythroid they put me on heart medicine because it was beating out of control all of this is because of my (at the time) hyperactive thyroid.
After several months I was then put on Synthroid where I had been told I was going to put on weight as my metabolism was going to be slow. I exercised every day and watched what I ate but still packed on the pounds. Every appointment I'd gain more and more because now I have hypoactive thyroid (which is underactive). I then ended up even bigger than I had ever been in my life!
My Doctor suggested Atkins (which I had done in the past) and then prescribed me diet pills - I chose not to fulfill the prescription because of the side effects. This last appointment we discussed my weight and I mentioned joining WW, he told me that I could become a vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of meat as it is.
It was because of the people on MUA that I joined - hearing CK with her 80 pound weight loss and everyone else losing weight really inspired and motivated me. It came at a time when I needed it most!
And if I can do it - ANYONE CAN!!! No matter what size I am, my weight is going to be an issue all my life - period!
I think people should feel fabulous at every stage of their lives, be it rich or poor, married or single, thin or fat, etc.. But when you don't feel fabulous, when your personality is dying because of how you feel then it's time to do something about it!
For me, this was it - I was no longer myself and I'm working on regaining that back! I have to thank everyone on MUA who have supported me on and off the boards - it's because of your support that I'm feeling like myself again! :)
I forgot to mention which fragrance I'm wearing today! It's BPAL's Coyote.
Coyote is described on the site as the Native American Creator / Trickster God of Chaos and Change. The warmth of doeskin, dry plains grasses and soft, dusty woods warmed by amber and a downy, gentle coat of deep musk.
As soon as I applied this one there was a familiarity I sensed wearing this fragrance. It smelled to me like tea, but not just any tea a specific type of tea. I then remembered the tea that my Grandmother would make when I was sick. Growing up we had a Mexican Elder tree in the front yard and she'd have my sister and I pick the flowers from the tree. We'd dry the flowers and save them for tea.
The Mexican elder tree is a strange one which blooms in cooler months and looks like it's dead in warmer ones. We would boil the flowers and then strain them and this was was a cure for sore throats and coughs. To me this smells initially like a mixture of Mexican Elder and chamomile tea that's been sweetened. It's more a comfort scent than anything else. Then this deep dark musk seems to emerge from the fragrance. It's the musk that I'm not liking in this fragrance. That musk lingers for quite a while until it sort of slinks away. Hints of the musk are still evident but it return for the most part back to it's initial fragrance.
If it weren't for the musk, this would be a fragrance that I would label as full bottle worthy! I would wear this in cooler weather as an all day fragrance. It retails for $12.50/5ml and $19.50/10ml at Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.
February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 February 2007 March 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007