
Thursday, June 16, 2005



I'm such a procrastinator and instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing I'm checking out Wishingfish's site.

Mini Fast Food Erasers $4.99

Cinnamon Pencils $7.99! They also have Orange Blossom ones.

I think this is creepy! Be Nice Elf Soap $2.99. They also have a Be Good one.

Queen Bee Lollipop $2.95 for the sucker bees out there! You know I'm talking to you KBee!

Those pencils have my name all over them. The soap IS creepy but little gnome things have always bothered me *uncomfortably adjusts collar*
Hooray for the Queen Bee lolly! I am happy to say I was gifted with one of these by our very favorite pirate!
*Want* the orange blossom pencils!!!
The soap is creepy, but as the owner of a Mr. T soap-on-a-rope, I can honestly say it's not the creepiest soap I've ever seen.

Those pencils are great, though.
I love these! But have you seen *these*??

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