I accounted for every single point this week and measured everything that I ate. One thing I really need to work on is portion control, I don't quite understand how much I'm serving myself and what I thought was one cup of pasta was actually more like two cups.
I also don't realize how filling one cup of pasta can really be because to me it doesn't look like a portion for one, it looks more like something you'd serve a child but having been a fat child I was already eating bigger portions so of course I don't know what a proper serving is.
I also have to understand that I'm going to have to eat like this for the rest of my life, not just until I reach my goal weight. The second I don't pay attention to how much I'm eating, I'm going to gain it all back which is evident with what happened with holiday overindulgence!
Oh and it's not diet or exercise, it's both! I may have accounted for every single point but at the end of the week I had only logged in three hours on the treadmill and two of those hours were put in last night!
Okay, okay enough with the rambling - so how much did I lose this week..........3.6lbs!
Which means I've almost lost almost all the weight I put on during holiday overindulgence!
That's fantastic news right, down 3.6 lbs? Um, no! Not according to Weight Watchers here's the message I got:
WELL DONE! You've recorded a loss this week. That's great news!However, we notice that you've lost more than an average of 2 pounds per week over three or more weeks. This rate is too rapid  it may be unsafe or unhealthy.While we're proud of your achievements and pleased you're making changes in your life, we need you to concentrate on one more thing: You should slow the pace of your weight loss to no more than 2 pounds per week. Have a great week!Are you freakin' serious! I only exercised for three hours this week, I stuck to my points and I even dipped into my weekly points, so I have no idea how I lost so much this week!
I seriously wish I could lose 3.6 lbs every week, especially on the weeks where I'm really working hard and I lose point nothing points or even gain!
This is crap, and they left me without a quote! Bastards!
Oh, I forgot to mention I had to buy some underwear this week and I bought a size down from the ones I've been wearing. I was thinking if they don't fit, they will eventually - but they actually fit right now! So I'm down one size in underwear!